The RSPCA’s Wimbledon, Wandsworth and Sutton branch is appealing to families to adopt a cat with asthma.

Blackie arrived at the south London branch in September 2023 as a stray and has had no interest from potential adopters in months.

On arrival at the RSPCA, Blackie was found to be coughing and wheezing a lot - but after various tests by vets, he was diagnosed with asthma and it was decided to try treating him with an inhaler.

Just like humans with the condition, Blackie now has to have a dose of his inhaler every day and he is now a completely different cat.

Despite an improvement in his health, Blackie is still waiting for someone to adopt him.

Sarah Henderson, Animal Welfare Officer at the branch, said: “Blackie has been overlooked for so long, he has had zero interest - we suspect it’s because he’s a black, and black cats are always overlooked, plus he has medical needs too.

“But he has never put a paw wrong in his foster home and he would make a fabulous pet.”

On average, it takes black cats 29 days to find a home from the RSPCA, in comparison to grey tabby cats which are rehomed in just nine days.

Eight-year-old Blackie doesn’t let his asthma get in the way of having a good time as he is full of energy, playful and enjoys the occasional frenetic random activity periods, also known as a zoomie.

Sarah added: “He loves affection and his favourite place to be is sleeping in your lap or at the end of the bed - and sometimes he will wait for you by the door like a dog.”

To apply online to adopt Blackie, visit his Find a Pet profile on the RSPCA’s website.