The feminist movement has given women a voice in society and granted women with the right to vote, own property and education. What more can we do? Social issues which include the pay gap between men and women, no access to education for females in several lower developed countries and the media objectifying young women can be fixed.

The pay gap between men and women has been an issue that feminist have been tackling even after the equal pay act 1970. In 2017, the pay gap between men and women in 144 countries are estimated to take 100 years to close. Out of the 144 countries, a survey was produced by World Economic Forum based on the economic opportunities, education, political participation, and health. In 2016, the survey conducted that men and women have similar outcomes were 68.3%. In 2017, the similar outcomes and opportunities for men and women were 68% showing a small reduction by 0.3%. Feminism in 2017 begins with bringing awareness to the increase of the pay gap, this will bring an end to the increase of the pay gap.

Statistics reveal that more than 41,000 girls under the age of 18 are getting married every day. Child marriage is a critical issue feminist focus on since child brides sacrifice their lives including their education and they are most likely to gain children at a young age and continue the cycle of child marriage. UNESCO has estimated that 130 million girls between the age of 6 and 17 are out of school, less than 40% of countries that provide equal access to education for both boys and girls and 76 million young women to be illiterate.

Society objectifies young females by making them feel that they can only amount to there stereotype. Social media put pressure on young female evaluating them on their youthful looks rather than intelligence or achievements. Social media platform like Instagram has shown to increase depression rates for 1479 young adults between the ages of 14 and 24. Feminist shared awareness of body positivity through social media platforms using a selfie and hashtagging 'body positivity'.

In 2017, feminism is undertaking social issues that will not only affect us in the long term but future generations. By supporting charities helping female education, stop child marriages or campaign awareness about the pay gap and body positivity will all decrease the several females suffering unjustly in society.