Tomorrow the polls open for the Grove ward byelection. 

Here each of the five candidates explain in their own words why they are best for the job.  

John Anderson - UKIP

Surrey Comet:

KEY CAMPAIGN POINTS: The issue everyone raises in Grove Ward is the risk of over development in the town centre, wanting to stop plans that are totally out of scale with the existing town. We feel in particular that the St Georges plans should be killed stone dead. UKIP is the only national political party that proposes local referendums on major development schemes. All the local people should have a say - these decisions are too important to be left to Councillors following their party whips.

The population of the Borough is rising very fast, putting great pressure on local services such as schools, health services and social housing. This is a direct result of the pressure of open-door immigration - which has been allowed by Labour, the Lib Dems and the Tories. Until we regain proper control of our borders, these pressures will increase.

Council Tax in Kingston is far too high - the highest in London, 50 per cent higher than the average. The Borough's debt ballooned under the Lib Dems, and the Tories have failed to rein back excessive expenditure.

ABOUT ME: I have lived in Kingston for over 20 years, and as chairman of the local UKIP branch I take a close interest in local services for education and for the elderly. In my career I started working on major policy issues in several government departments including the Cabinet Office, and then ran my own consultancy in telecoms and computer networking, with clients including major banks, broadcasters such as Sky and the BBC, BT and Vodafone, Whitehall ministries, universities and hospitals. So I have a lot of experience in management and administration.

Clare Keogh - Green Party

Surrey Comet:

KEY CAMPAIGN POINTS: My biggest focus for this campaign is Kingston’s need for genuinely affordable housing, while still facing the reality of over-development; it is for this reason that I oppose the current TOPO development plans.

I also want to highlight the lack of recycling for flats within the town centre and the need for safer, friendlier roads.

ABOUT ME: I am an advice worker in the community and an active local campaigner. As the only anti-austerity candidate in this by-election, I want to highlight the damage that has been done to our local community under the austerity agenda and fight to protect our public services and open spaces. I recently stood in the General Election, increasing our vote share fourfold and I believe the Green Party has much more to do in Kingston and Grove Ward.

Jenny Lewington- Conservative

Surrey Comet:

KEY CAMPAIGN POINTS: Jenny sees herself as a guardian for Grove Ward campaigning for four main issues: Fighting anti-social behaviour and crime by campaigning against inappropriate nightlife licences and promoting neighbourhood watch schemes. More police for the town centre to cut crime and protect local residents.

Adopting a zero tolerance approach to over-development in the town centre to promote and protect Kingston's unique heritage and local history.

Cleaning up Grove by securing investment to ensure our local area always looks its best, with community wardens to cut down on littering and a dedicated park ranger team to look after The Fairfield.

ABOUT ME: I have lived in the Borough for 32 years and have worked at Tolworth Girls School for almost as long. When I was growing up my family owned a grocers shop, so I am very keen to protect and promote independent businesses. I am immensely proud of the Royal Borough. Kingston is a wonderful place to bring up children, and grandchildren, but also suffers from neglect. The Queens Promenade needs attention, with its poorly maintained facilities. I am constantly looking to try and personally invest into our local community as we work together to make Kingston a better, brighter borough.

Laurie South- Labour

Surrey Comet:

KEY CAMPAIGN POINTS: Redevelopment: we must redevelop if we are to house a growing Kingston and ensure Kingston remains a key economic component of London. But this cannot be at any price and Labour has stated 4 key criteria for redevelopment including a red line on 50 per cent affordable housing, but also including human scale, business opportunities and leisure facilities for all.

Education: we need to sort out the number of places as a matter of urgency but also develop nursery provision and adult education.

Austerity: Kingston will be losing £8 million government grant each year for the foreseeable future. There is no plan for this but if we are to protect frontline services like adult social care, Labour is demanding an all-party working group now.

Partnerships: to save money we are being rushed into partnerships with no proper consideration of the effects on local democratic accountability. Labour will ensure that these partnerships are accountable to you through the ballot box.

Involvement: in a centralised country Kingston people want more involvement in decisions that affect them. Labour will ensure this happens.

ABOUT ME: I have lived in Grove for over 20 years and have been part of this community. Having been a senior local government officer dealing with multi-million pound budgets and financial cut-backs, I have plenty of very relevant expertise in the very challenging times that are coming.

Jon Tolley - Liberal Democrat

Surrey Comet:

KEY CAMPAIGN POINTS: Kingston’s about to undergo the biggest changes I’ve ever seen and we need to act soon to make sure irreparable damage is not done.

Opposition to inappropriate over-development is a key factors, but also the needs for affordable housing, protecting the vulnerable, ensuring a supporting infrastructure to deal with the effects of the developments, the environment and green issues, encouraging the arts and culture, and having a local person speaking for local people.

I 100 per cent believe that I am the right candidate for this, and that the Lib Dems are the right party for this.

ABOUT ME: I’m mostly known for running Banquet Records in Eden Street where we sell records and organise music events at various venues in the town.

A huge part of this is about serving the local community and I see being a councillor as being of a similar mindset. Understanding what people want, and delivering, and making things better. Outside of work, I’m a football fan, and specifically a Kingstonian supporter, I’m a skateboarder, ex-Tiffin Boy, and am on the executive board of Kingston First. I know how to work with and for people, and am all about Kingston.