By Angellica Bell

What I love about babies is that you always know where you stand with them. If they’re happy they’re smiling. If they’re sad, they cry. And if they’re excited, well they just can’t contain it.

It’s so simple really and quite refreshing they haven’t developed the adult cynicism us grown-ups are cursed with. Luckily for me, Elijah is one happy bundle of joy and lately he’s become so aware of the different things around him, the excitement has been too much for him to contain. It’s hilarious to watch.

He’s started banging things continuously with his hand, for what appears to be no reason at all. It can be during an ecstatic frenzy, but more often than not he’s just sitting at the table with us, playing with his toys or a little too close to daddy’s computer. Maybe he simply wants to let me know his co-ordination is working just fine and not to worry. When he’s doing it his eyes are almost popping out of his head and his mouth is open so wide I’m surprised he hasn’t caught a fly or two.

Now he’s got into the habit of screaming in delight all the time, which plays havoc with my eardrums. The other day I was amazed to find Baby TV in the television listings (not a surprise really, as there seems to be something for everyone). We let him watch for a bit in the morning and he loves the show Stick with Mick. He goes crazy sitting in his jumperoo when little blue Mick appears on the screen with his little red cap.

At bedtime we’ve started reading him the Mr Men books. He loves the pictures and hearing us put on funny voices. Often though, our award winning performances are wasted on him as, after all the excitement of the day, he dozes off before the story has finished. Bless.