I am not in the habit of writing to my local paper, but I feel so upset and sad that our vital services are seriously under threat...

Last year my gorgeous grand daughter was born 3 months prematurely, and the Maternity & Neo-natal unit supported her, and the whole family through one of the most difficult times in our lives, she is now 16 months old and strong and healthy!

In 1996 my mother was struck down by a car and taken to A & E where she was given vital care, sadly she died a week later.

In 1995 my husband was admitted to A & E with a pulmonary embolism, he was treated quickly and efficiently and enjoys life today.

I'm sure the experiences of my family are shared by many, many people in this community, and without the vital services that St. Helier provides many of us would not be here today!

I'm sure that you will have received hundreds of letters regarding this matter, but I just needed to put my feelings in writing... What price do we put on human life?

These cuts will not save lives, only money.

Yours sincerely, Margaret Stubberfield