By Councillor Ooonagh Moulton, Merton Council's shadow cabinet member for education and children's care (Conservative, Wimbledon Park ward)

Councillor Peter Walker’s letter is shocking given his record of inappropriate and disgraceful behaviour which resulted in him being sacked as cabinet member for education.

He is wrong in the assertions that he makes.

Conservatives support a programme of expanding good and outstanding schools.

This was the policy which was adopted by the previous Conservative administration after years of earlier Labour inactivity.

We have also been consistent in our backing for a new primary school and included it in our 2010 budget.

Conservatives also supported the bulge year expansion of Bishops Gilpin primary school, which actually occurred during the last Conservative administration and when I was a governor of the school.

As for Dundonald Primary School, residents would be astonished to hear that Conservatives are leading their campaign.

They lead the ‘Save Dundonald Rec’ campaign, not Merton Conservatives.

Coun Walker ignored his own consultation which called for a new school.

He, and his successor, should listen to residents, parents and governors rather than impose their views.

Local Conservatives have been consistent in our approach – expand good and outstanding schools and support the building of a new primary school.

If Labour had actually got on with building a new school when they took minority control in 2010, we would, in all likelihood, have been in a position to open it soon.

Instead, Labour’s legacy on education is one of missed opportunities and communities divided.

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