Hersham Residents’ Association has issued a plea for new members.

The association held its annual general meeting on May 10, where David Lock was elected as chairman and Andrew Sturgis voted in as president.

The incoming chairman said he was pleased to be involved with an organisation which, since 1971, had fulfilled an important role as a non-political association and represented the people of Hersham.

But he said he would like to work with the committee to widen the membership, and suggested anyone interested in becoming a member or renewing their existing membership contact the association.

Reverend Jonathan Andrew, who had a starring role in Channel 4’s hit show My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding was guest speaker at the event.

He spoke about Hersham’s special village feel and his role in that community through his work at St Peter’s Church.

Email info@hershamresidents.info or call 01932 220379 if you would like to get involved in the residents’ group.