A hospice has nearly doubled its money this year through its Sunflower Memories Appeal.

St Raphael's Hospice in Cheam raised £61,000, compared to last year's £38,000, during its Sunflower Memories Appeal Service.

Indoors due to the wet weather, hospice Chaplain Father David held the service in memory of all those for whom a sunflower has been dedicated.

Despite the conditions the service was well attended, with 350 people at the event.

As part of the Sunflower Memories Appeal, supporters and friends of the Hospice make a donation in memory of a loved one or a friend.

The names of loved ones are written onto wooden sunflowers which are planted in the hospice grounds, culminating in the service.

Keith Witham, director of fundraising at St Raphael’s Hospice, said: "It was wonderful that so many people attended the service. It was a poignant occasion for people as they remembered a loved one.

"The wooden sunflower is a physical symbol of remembrance and many took it with them as a permanent reminder.

"We are pleased to have raised over £61,000 from the campaign compared to £38,000 last year, with 1500 donations this year whereas last year there were 900.

"This is the third year of this campaign and we think the success is due to heightened awareness of the hospice and its 25th anniversary year."

The hospice, though based in Cheam, covers Beddington, Belmont, Carshalton, Cheam, Mitcham, Morden, North Cheam, Sutton, Raynes Park, Wallington, Wimbledon and Worcester Park.

On average, the hospice cares for 900 patients each year and it costs £4 million a year to provide these services.

Of these costs, the NHS through Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust provides a grant of £1 million or 25 per cent of the total, meaning that nearly £3 million has to be raised from charitable donations, fundraising and legacies.

For more information and to make donations, please visit www.straphaels.org.uk


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