Elderly patients are reaping the benefits of the Hospice@Home scheme.

Since the St Raphael's Hospice introduced the scheme in 2009, it has supported 300 patients in their own homes. The service is free and supported by the Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust.

Healthcare assistants provide care tailored to meet the needs of individual patients and their families.

St Raphael's Hospice works closely with GPs and district nurses to provide comprehensive care for patients referred to the Hospice@Home service.

A healthcare assistant has been visiting June Barrett, 72, who lives in Hackbridge, since last December, under the scheme.

She was diagnosed with lung cancer in November 2010 and has suffered from Congestive Obstructive Pulmonary Disease for years.

"I have breathing problems, my lungs have deteriorated so I have to have oxygen for most of the time."

She has one daughter Jackie Planson, who lives nearby, six grandchildren ranging in age from 32 to 12 and a three year old grandchild.

A St Raphael's Hospice healthcare assistant comes in and helps Mrs Planson on a regular basis.

She said: "They might make my bed, help to wash me. If I need something to eat, they'll make something. It's marvellous having someone to talk to - if I'm worried about anything, I can talk to them. They're normally here two hours - if I need them to be here longer, I'll tell them. I am full of praise for them - they should have more recognition."

Before she retired, June used to work at the blood bank at St George's Hospital.

"I'd like to wave a magic wand and let St Raphael's Hospice have everything they ask for. Hospices should be given more money."

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