From September 2012, Carshalton College students will be using brand new Apple Mac Media and Music suite facilities and Software on the Music Technology and Games Developments courses.

The two new suite of iMacs will provide 21 inch screens with 16gb ram and the latest software for music production with Logic Pro 9, Cubase, Pro Tools and the latest plug-in software including the extensive Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate 8 library and for games development Maya and Adobe CS5.

Students will be taught on industry standard facilities providing the confidence, practical experience and technical knowledge for progression into work in industry as creative producers, recording engineers, composers and recording artists or enrol on a university course or degree.

Games Development covers production and communication including games and interactive design, video production, digital graphics, 2D and web animation, image manipulation, animation and 3D Design.

Music Technology looks at all aspects of music recording and production. The 2 music studios will be equipped with Mac Pros alongside studio outboard including a 32 channel Mackie 8 bus mixing desk, 42” LCD screen, M Audio Profire 2626 Digital Sound Card, Compressors and Multi Effects Units, a large assortment of studio microphones, Yamaha upright Piano, Fender electro acoustic guitar, Yamaha Electric Bass Guitar, Ibenez Electric guitar, Peavey Guitar amps, Pearl Drum Kit, M-Audio Project Mix digital mixer and interface.

Please visit for more details on all our courses and facilities Based on information supplied by Maxine Alexander.