I would like to point out that the motorbikes do exceed the limit on Horton Lane and there have been unreported accidents where bikers have come off their bikes on the roundabouts due to going too fast.

This happened in front of my daughter just the other day.

I am aware of what these bikes can do, being an ex biker, and it is possible for them to reach 100 and more on the long stretches of road.

Also there was a vehicle which went over the roundabout at the end of February, the damaged posts are still in situ.

Horton Lane is lethal. Is Surrey County Council going to wait for another death before it does anything?

I feel aggrieved that they will not do anything regarding this road, yet they will pay for all of their staff in the Kingston office to have parking spaces.

How do they justify paying for eight floors of the Bittoms carpark for staff parking?

Penny Gilbody
Via email