Pioneering cancer treatment at the Royal Marsden Hospital will be the focus of tonight's Horizon on BBC2.

The award-winning documentary series has followed cancer patients from the Sutton-based hospital in the run up to their groundbreaking treatment.

Horizon:Defeating Cancer, will be on BBC2 at 9pm and will show how the hospital has been working with its partner the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) on tackling the killer disease.

The film will look at the organisation's 'bench-to-bedside' approach to medicine, focusing on three areas specifically.

During filming of the documentary, the BBC were granted unprecedented access to a Cyberknife as it performed its first treatment at the Royal Marsden.

The hospital is one of the first NHS Trusts to install the latest model of the robotic tool which offers precision targeted cancer treatment.

A major breakthrough drug in the treatment of advanced melanoma will also feature in the programme.

The drug, vemurafenib, is a result of collaborative work between the ICR and the hospital.

The programme will also look at advances in tackling prostate cancer and filmed consultant surgeon at the Royal Marsden, Mr Chris Ogden, performing keyhole surgery.

In what has been called the 'vanguard' of surgical treatment for prostate cancer, the Da Vinci S is able to cut and manipulate tissue through a tiny hole, therefore reducing the pain and blood loss caused by open surgery.

Programme-makers interviewed three ICR scientists to look at the research which is allowing the partners to capitalise on scientific advances. Professor Paul Workman, an expert in cancer drugs, explains the team's creative approach to designing innovative new drugs, six of which have made it into the clinic at the Royal Marsden.

Meanwhile, other experts in the fields of cancer genetics and cancer biology discuss new treatment approaches and genetic mutations.

The programme will be available on for a week after its airing tonight.