By Don Anderson; Graham Road, Wimbledon

I write in response to your story (‘Council union row’, April 5) that Merton Council has defeated a Conservative motion not to continue spending £100,000 a year to employ union officials and subsidise their activities.

I bitterly resent any of the money I am forced to pay in council tax being spent on the employment of union officials.

I am not militantly anti-union. Indeed, when I was employed, I had to be a member and, for many years, I was the ‘father of the chapel’.

The union would not have countenanced its officials - who represent the workers - having their wages paid by the company i.e. being in the company’s pocket.

This anomalous situation should be outlawed throughout the public sector since taxpayers are forced to support the civil service and local authorities.

Since the majority of us would not wish to contribute to the unions, and we do not have the opportunity to opt out.

The practice should be illegal.

I am existing on the state old age pension and can ill afford to pay out more than I have to. Is there any way I could withhold a portion of my council tax?

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