A proposed cull of crows across Surrey has been branded “cruel, illogical and pointless” by Wildlife Aid Foundation director Simon Cowell MBE.

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) plan to slaughter hundreds of avian predators who are being blamed for the decline in the songbird population.

Mr Cowell believes there is a “hidden agenda” to the proposed cull and that over-development and the loss of habitat is the real reason for a decline in the songbird population.

“There is no real justification for this slaughter in terms of nature conservation, said Mr Cowell.

“Killing predators in order to preserve songbirds is utterly illogical.

“It is man’s interference that has unbalanced the various bird populations to start with, and further interference will do much more harm than good.”

A spokesperson for the (GWCT) said: “Since 1970, yellowhammer, skylark, grey partridge and other farmland birds have suffered significant population declines.

“The charity, Songbird Survival, have suggested that the increase in some crow species may be a contributory factor to the decline of other farmland birds.

“If it went ahead, the project would involve the removal of crows during critical nesting periods from a limited number of sites.”