Let’s be honest, most of us moan about Mondays. When the shrill of the alarm clock signals the start of yet another working week, we contemplate spending just five more minutes in the comforting embrace of our quilts before surrendering to the inevitable.

My misery was compounded when, on a drab, dreary and drizzly Monday afternoon, I was forced to endure the drudgery of the 213 bus inching along Central Road in Worcester Park due to ongoing roadworks. It was going nowhere, fast.

My original destination was Kingston, but unable to take any more of this torture, I bailed out at the top of the road and headed straight for the doors of the Worcester Park Tavern. I was ready for a pint.

Unfortunately, the pint wasn’t ready for me.

I ordered a glass of Black Sheep bitter, only for the pump to make an awful gurgling sound and then the barmaid rather sheepishly, suggested I try another ale. Adnams Explorer it was then.

Before taking a seat, I took a cursory walk around the pub. There’s no escaping the fact that it’s massive, which is all well and good when there’s a crowd but less so when seven hardy souls and a Pubspy are in for a Monday afternoon supping session.

What struck me about the Tavern is that it’s a victim of that dreaded curse of the modern British boozer, the revamp.

It had one a few years ago, but it’s fixtures and fittings are already looking a bit knackered, with chipped paintwork and a well worn carpet.

Pubs seem to be revamped every couple of years these days, and it won’t be long before this place is ready for another lick of paint.

There are some token pots and vases dotted around which led me to wonder if someone had raided a car boot sale recently to stock up on tat. Like the saying goes; one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

However, perhaps I am being too unkind to the Worcester Park Tavern. It’s really not that bad.

It’s got one big thing going for it, it’s handily placed to cater for those peeved passengers on the 213 who need a pint or two... or three.

The Worcester Park Tavern, Park Terrace, off Malden Road, Worcester Park, KT4 7JZ

Decor: XX The burgundy, orange and green colour scheme is looking a bit tired. It’s all a little too motorway travel tavern if you ask me.

DRINK: XX Would have scored more had the Black Sheep been on. There was also Adnams Explorer and London Pride.

PRICE: XX £2.91 for my pint of Adnams Explorer.

ATMOSPHERE: X As you’d expect on a Monday, quiet.

STAFF: XXX The blonde barmaid was a little ray of sunshine.

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