Over the last few months, I have been preparing and revising for my GCSEs which I will be sitting over the next month or so. But is all the cramming in and last minute panic and revision worth the stress that is inevitable to come with it?

My brother and I take a very different approach to our learning and ultimately to exams and school. My brother takes everyday as it comes not stressing or worrying about anything and he gets by on average grades; however, I work so hard to achieve top grades but unfortunately I pay the ultimate price of stress.

Recently, it has come to my attention that there may be nothing to stress about. Everyone around me seems to be saying the same thing: You won't get a decent job without a degree, and to be honest, I thoroughly agree with them; nonetheless, it astounds me that entrepreneurs like Sir Alan Sugar seem to be earning an amazing amount of money even though he left school at sixteen. He has a multi-million pound business and his own television shows: "The Appentice" and "Junior Apprentice".

I know that not everyone has the talent to become an extremely wealthy entrepreneur but this just proves that not everything is down to grades. Many people who don't have specific qualifications achieve highly without them.