I wish to locate some former neighbours and school chums who might still be resident in Surrey, after a break of 55 years.

In the spring of 1956 I moved to Billericay, in Essex when my age was 9 years. Up to that time I had lived at No.4, Beauchamp Road, Sutton.

Some neighbours I can still recall from those distant days are the Cheswick boys and Philip O'Neil; Pat and Jean Saunders; David and Colin Ray; Terry Perch; Joy and Marian (Marilyn?) from Collingwood Road.

School years were spent at the local infant school (Headmistress Ms.Kirk; also a teacher Ms.Black) and then the primary school (Headmaster Mr.Parfitt; teachers Ms.Anson, Mr.Cole are remembered).

The two schools were situated off crown Road and opposite the infamous gasworks whose lunch-time hooter was an unofficial school bell!

Some fellow pupils I can still recall are Adrian Forest, John Berry, Penelope, Barbara; Sandra Wallis.

To give a datum in time, I'm talking about the years 1952 to 1956.

If anyone is able to recall one little Barrell and cares to drop me a line at the address below, I will do my best to return an entertaining reply! (I don't have a telephone).

Malcolm Barrell
8, The Avenue
CM12 9HH