An animation series about martian mice freedom fighters has scooped a Daytime Emmy in the US.

Biker Mice from Mars, produced by Kingston-based Criterion, won the award for performer in an animated programme.

Kingston resident Ted Bather, Criterion CEO, was not around to collect the awards because he was in Singapore, where the majority of the cartoons are drawn for cost reasons.

He said: “If you are into that kind of thing, it’s wonderful. It’s quite a satirical show. It was targeted at boys but girls and adults seem to love it.

“I’ve always loved cartoons, I prefer cartoons to anything else.”

The series, created by Rick Ungar, aired on GMTV and ITV2 in the UK from 2006 to 2008 and is now airing in many countries around the world, including the US, where it launched in August 2008.

In the winning performance, which had a script filled with rich satire, Jim Ward said in his best President Nixon voice: “Those two choppers disappeared just like eighteen minutes of tape.”

Mr Bather said: “That line creases me up every time I hear it. It is the kind of line that still has internet forums discussing the meaning of the scripts from the original series that aired on the Big Breakfast in the UK in the 1990s.”

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