The arctic survey team could be back as soon as May 15 because breaking ice is making it difficult for planes to land and recover them.

Explorers Pen Hadow, Ann Daniels and Martin Hartley were supposed to be on the ice until the end of May but pilots are keen to recover them sooner than agreed.

Their most recent resupply was nine days overdue because of bad weather conditions so pilots have asked to look at earlier landing dates.

A spokesman for the team said: “It’s not the pick up we planned for but pilots have to put their lives at risk to pick up the team.

“We can discuss it with them but, ultimately, it’s their choice.”

The team are reportedly happy with the decision and the scientific data they have collated since starting their journey in February.

“As the ice breaks up it makes their lives more difficult because they have to swim more," said a spokesman for the team.

“They’ve had so much experience out there, either way they will come away with a clear view of the impact of climate change.”

Planes will be sent in to collect the team no sooner than May 15, but there is a chance it will be later if the breaking ice makes landing difficult.

• Do you have any questions for the team? Send them to