Everyone is talking about the swine flu - like the credit crunch it has been attacked and abused by the British media. Headlines everywhere underline new cases emerging up and down Britain, and even more deaths in Mexico: as it spreads people everywhere are panicking. The World Health Organization has classed it as Category 5. The question still remains: will it rise to 6 (a full on pandemic)?

Although the newspapers educate us of the deaths and cases of swine flu in the world (you can still count Britain’s confirmed cases on your hands...) they don't tell us what to actually do. How can we help stop the virus from spreading and protect ourselves?

This is why the NHS has released a new television commercial to help combat the virus - if you haven't seen it already, Google it, watch it, do it. The advert asks us to catch coughs or sneezes inside tissues, especially in public areas. This is vital in stopping the spread, as well as regularly washing our hands.

But what else? People have suggested carrying around a bottle of alcohol hand cleanser and tissues that also kill germs. It is a good suggestion to also avoid anyone with flu-like symptoms, and if you have them yourself avoid public transportation and places.

A vaccine could be ready by June 2009, but the virus is easily treatable by the tablets Tamiflu. As the advert states, "Catch it, Bin it, Kill it."

By Georgia Wright