A TEENAGER who fell off the back of a tram would have died within seconds, it was heard at a Croydon inquest.

Christopher Tidbury, 16, from Mitcham, was holding onto the windscreen but slipped when the tram started braking to stop at the Beckenham Road platform.

His father, Brian Tidbury, of Manor Road, Mitcham, said his son was a “bit of a handful” but added: “I didn't think he would be that silly.”

Christopher leapt onto the back of the moving tram at Beckenham Junction after going to a party on May 20 this year, despite friends' attempts to stop him.

His body was found up the track 90 minutes later.

British Transport PC David Morgan said he slipped backwards and hit his head, rolling beneath the rails so his body was not touched by the last tram service.

Pathologist Professor Sir Colin Berry said he died from brain damage caused by a fractured skull. There was no sign the body had been dragged and Christopher had drunk only a very small amount of alcohol.

Tram driver Ian Hoskin, of Westfield Road, Croydon, said he was unaware what was going on at the back of the tram.

The jury's verdict was accidental death and recommended a camera be installed for drivers to see the tram's rear.