Twickenham’s MP said she was still in “talking and listening mode” over whether to back air strikes on Syria.

UPDATE: Tania Mathias defends vote to bomb Islamic State in Syria amid "unpleasant" social media backlash

Speaking yesterday, Dr Mathias told the Richmond and Twickenham Times she has been discussing whether the UK should join the US, France and Russia in bombing targets in Islamic State (IS) stronghold Raqqa with church leaders and her friends.

She said: “It is the thing I just dreaded, but that is government and I accept that and knew I would have to make very tough decisions.

“I didn’t expect to be voting on airstrikes at this stage.”

Dr Mathias added that whatever decision is made, the UK has to be looking at the long term with regards to the situation in Syria.

She said: “I expect our involvement will be for at least four years.”

Richmond Park and North Kingston MP Zac Goldsmith has been contacted by this newspaper about his thoughts on the situation.

A vote is expected at about 10pm this evening.