In response to the article about New Addington being unhealthy (Councillor: low rank for high street wake up call, April 1) Of course, the takeaway shops are part guilty of producing obese children, their only interest is in making money, serving food that is full of saturated fats and disgusting.

If they can sell a chicken burger for 99p, what the hell is it made of ? The kids flock to these shops after school.

If the Government is so worried about obesity and all the illnesses associated with obesity, why are they not doing something about these shops selling foods loaded with negative calories and high in saturated fats.

Even if the kids are not obese, it does not mean to say they are healthy.

I would have to take a look into closing the takeaway shops between 3pm and 5pm each day.

These kids will now grow into unhealthy adults, not being able to work and a huge drain on the now poorly NHS.

Betting shops, open all day, one every 50 feet. Talk about encouraging people to get into debt, and not want to work.

Where have the Government’s senses gone? Payday loan shops, of course, these are being supported by the people who bet their money away, buying £1 burgers to feed themselves and their offspring and adults who will have/probably have diabetes of whatever type.

Talk about the circle of life in Poverty Britain today.

Of course, I know these are not the only guilty parties in making, in general, an unhealthy Britain, but kids going straight home after school would hopefully ensure they have a proper meal at home, along with parents who would cook healthy food for them.

Also, kids at home are not kids out on the street with nothing to do after gorging themselves on these vile takeaways.

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