I have been meaning to write for a while now on the awful amount of litter that appears on our street after bin day.

How can it be that there is more rubbish on the pavements and road on a Friday after the binmen have been?

I believe it is partly because people do not fill their rubbish bins properly and so when the binmen open the lids the rubbish falls out on to the street.

Now I know it is not the job of the binmen to pick up the bits that fall on to the ground, but perhaps it should be?

It needs to be someone’s responsibility and perhaps a mixture of Croydon citizens and rubbish collectors.

There certainly would not be any harm in sending out litter pickers on a Friday lunchtime to perhaps pick up the aftermath of debris.

It seems to be getting much worse and I despair at the “Don't mess with Croydon” scheme, with its grand words and general good intentions, but if we cannot keep the streets tidy from an “organised” rubbish collection system, then what hope do we have with rubbish dumpling and general littering?

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