Bernard Mathews watch out.

As a long-standing opponents of the £8m Life Centre and the further £4m it has absorbed from services across the borough, including the sacking of nine street cleaners, an extra charge for garden waste collection and a 2 per cent increase in council tax forced on residents for this financial year, I applaud the honesty of Liberal Democrat Councillor Steve Penneck’s letter.

It has never been clearer for residents to see for themselves the two points of view at play, the Lib Dems have and will tax and waste money on turkeys like the Life Centre until the electorate take that ability away from them. We on the Conservative side are adamant this building be put to good and tangible use in the form of an apprenticeship facility to help our younger people get skilled up to find work.

The two Lib Dem MPs have for years stood back and let the Lib Dem council blunder on feeding millions of pounds into the biggest turkey ever to land in Sutton without comment.

Leader and deputy leader Conservative group