I note that Sadiq Khan MP invited some local residents to a celebration of the Wheatsheaf campaign at the House of Commons.

While I'm sure that was good fun for all concerned, I have two concerns with this approach.

First of all, isn't the best way to save the Wheatsheaf, which is still under threat, to have any events at the pub and not miles away in Westminster with the political elite?

The staff at the pub tell me that the summer trade has been quite thin, so they could do with some extra business.

Secondly, I wonder if Mr Khan is deliberately trying to politicise the campaign by keeping the event out of the reach of the many local residents who have attended the campaign meetings at the pub?

The Streetlife invite suggests that decisions are going to be made at the meeting, so it would be more democratic to keep the meetings here in Tooting.

As a long-term resident of Tooting I have seen Mr Khan jump on the bandwagon of many a local campaign.

I hope he is not about to hijack this one just for his own self-publicity.

Peter J. Soden, via email