The natural beauty of the Wandle River will be celebrated in a series of walks and activites at Morden Hall Park and Merton Abbey Mills.

Organised to celebrate the Living Wandle Partnership receiving a £2 million grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to revitalise the river, the event, which co-insides with National River Week, will reflect the river’s nature, wildlife and heritage resources as well displaying the HLF funded projects including volunteering opportunities.

The grant will develop the natural and historic features of the River Wandle in Croydon, Sutton, Merton and Wandsworth over the next five years.

John Hawks, of Merton Priory Trust, who is organisiing the event, said: "This public launch will bring the river’s regeneration to the attention of the wider public, with the aim of making it a bit of a party with river connected events for all ages.

"All the projects need volunteers and they will not work into the future without volunteers."

Activities at Morden Hall and Merton Abbey Mills include projects from the Wandle Piscators, Wandle Trust and Merton Priory History.

There will be a range of history, nature craft and wildlife activities including, free fishing taster sessions, archaeological digs and a paper boat race.

Living Wandle Walks will include a landscape ramble via Beddington, a guided walk of Watermeads highlighting its history and a bat walk around Ravensbury Park.

Mayors and senior councillors from the four boroughs linked with the Wandle, will be joining Wesley Kerr, chairman of the London HLF Committee, in launching the Living Wandle Landscape Partnership.

Living Wandle Activity Day; Morden Hall Park; September 29, 11am-4pm; free; for more information visit