Councillors will be presented with controversial plans for a waste and recycling plant on greenbelt land in Walton at a planning sub-committee meeting next week.

The application for the development at Weylands Treatment Works, Lyon Road, will be discussed by members of the north area planning sub-committee on Monday, September 9, with planning officers recommending councillors raise no objection.

Elmbridge Council has received 104 letters regarding the application, with 99 in objection, four of comment and one in support. Three petitions have also been received.

Councillor Rachael Lake, county councillor for Walton and borough councillor for Walton North, said: “I cannot understand the logic of officers saying this is acceptable in the greenbelt when in the same breath they are saying ‘glamping’ at Apps Court Farm is unacceptable.

“That is camping without power or water yet they are recommending this huge industrial development which is in ‘very special circumstances’ in the greenbelt. I’m sorry, I don’t see it.”

Coun Lake said the application would affect more people across Walton, Hersham and Molesey than she has ever seen since she became involved with planning issues in 1997.

The plans, submitted to Elmbridge Council on March 27, are to create a recycling and recovery park on 10.74ha of land, closing off the current Molesey Road entrance and creating a new entrance in Lyon Road.

The site would also include an autoclave and anaerobic digestion (AD) facility, a construction and demolition waste recycling area, skip hire facility, materials recycling facility and workshop units.

A decision on the application will be made by Surrey County Council, with Elmbridge Council consulted.

If members of the sub-committee raise no objection as officers recommend, the application will go forward to Surrey County Council.

Councillors on the committee can put forward a recommendation for refusal if they wish.

Coun Lake and colleague Councillor Andrew Kelly, representing Walton Ambleside, are encouraging residents to attend the meeting at the Civic Centre, Esher, at 7.45pm to support their campaign against the development.