It would appear that the Department for Education, Michael Gove and the Harris Federation have reached a new low over Roke Primary School.

They are ignoring reasons for previous lower Ofsted Reports, and current Ofsted reports that show improvement so that the school should not be taken over at all
The process has been undemocratic, ignoring parents' request that if they have to be taken over, that it should be run by Riddlesdown.

Is the opinion of Department of Education to be trusted?

They told Roke that ' They [Harris] have extensive experience of turning around previously under-performing schools in London, nine of which have now been judged as outstanding by Ofsted'.

Harris Crystal Palace took 10 years as a CTC to reach the high grades they are now.  Harris Purley took over the fastest improving school in Croydon - you saw the verified results in January 2009 where all the results save the English/Maths results were ABOVE Croydon average, [the CVA being the second highest in Croydon and in the top 3% in the country, so the school were definitely 'transforming the life chances of their pupils already'] - and all results went higher in their final exams the following summer - so Harris did not turn around them at all - they'd already done it themselves !.

Harris South Norwood have been in the top three the last three years for permanent exclusions - and an exceptional number of BTecs instead of 'good ' GCSEs, as have most of the Harris Academies.

As for 'outstanding' - having read a  BBC Report, 9th Februay 2012,  on 'Outstanding schools to be re-examined because their teaching did not reach the highest standard' - I looked up the the Harris South Norwood Ofsted Inspection Report, as Harris South Norwood was one on the list. 

Sixth Form and Leadership were indeed marked as outstanding -  but the two other sections had only 4 grades with 'Outstanding', and 6 grades with 'Good' - including the 'Quality of teaching'  and  'Pupils' achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning' with  'PUPILS' ATTAINMENT' getting a  'SATISFACTORY' GRADE - and Mr GOVE considers that as failing !
I'm delighted to see that Sir Richard Ottaway and Cllr Steve Hollands supportsRoke School in their opposition to this hostile, undemocratic takeover, and dictatorship, rather than political obsession and spin.

What do the Department for Education, Michael Gove and the Harris Federation know about this school, and the circumstances and different abilities and needs of Roke's children?

The resentment and antagonism caused by this to this school and no doubt many others will be considerable and far-reaching.

I write to you as you have close connections with Michael Gove, and I seem to remember that one of your pre-election promises was to support the people rather than the Government where they did not agree !

Valerie Hunter  
By email