A group of teenagers have created videos to encourage residents to keep their streets clean.

Students from the around the borough made four short films as part of the Keep It Clean campaign which is being run by the Croydon Guardian and Croydon Council.

Keep It Clean is encouraging people to be more careful with what they throw away so the borough’s streets can look their best.

The films look at the problems of litter, fly tipping and dog fouling and were scripted, filmed and edited by the youngsters, who have been working with the council’s arts team.

In one of the films, an inconsiderate dog owner gets a reminder of what her dog left behind after a friend treads the mess into her house and into her living room.

Another video shows the consequences if you drop cigarettes on the floor, namely a large fine for littering.

The issue of food waste is also brought to life when a family of rodents are attracted to leftover food that had been dropped on the floor.

One of the filmmakers, Leah Smith, 12, said: "If there are bins around I don’t see why people don’t use them for their rubbish. If there aren’t any bins around you can always take it to the next one, or even take it home.

"I try my best not to litter anymore now. The project has taught me a lot about filmmaking and anti-littering."

Councillor Phil Thomas, cabinet member for highways and environmental services, said: "We spend huge amounts of money every single year simply clearing up after people who seem to think that littering and flytipping is OK.

"Well it’s not - and I’m really pleased that these youngsters have taken the effort to help us get this message across in such a creative way."

For more on the Keep it Clean campaign visit croydon.gov.uk/keepitclean

Video on the consequences of leaving food waste on the streets.


Video on cleaning up after your dog.