Taxi drivers across the borough have been invited to protect themselves with a Taxi Watch scheme.

Usually led by the trade with support from the police and councils, Taxi Watch promotes safer travel for drivers and the public.

It also helps with intelligence on trade vehicles operating illegally and promoting closer working relations between council licensing officers, the police and the trade.

The schemes can also provide a communication route for community intelligence to be passed to and from taxi drivers.

Councillor Ian Donaldson, chairman of the council’s licensing committee, said: “The council and our partners are strongly committed to supporting the borough’s taxi and private hire trade and consider that setting up a Taxi Watch scheme in Elmbridge would be a great initiative, which we would be very keen to facilitate, if there is a willingness and desire for it within the trade.”

Trish O’Callaghan, acting head of environmental health and licensing, said: “Having listened to the views the trade expressed during our ‘Let’s Talk Taxi and Private Hire’ consultation in August, a range of initiatives are being explored to address their concerns.

“A Taxi Watch scheme is one such initiative and so I would encourage the trade to complete the survey, which they will receive either by post or email to reach us by Wednesday, December 5, 2012.”

The survey is available to view at