On the 6thof November, Heathers the Musical on the West End in the Royal Theatre Haymarket performed the first ever sing-along West End production. I was lucky enough to spot final tickets and attend with a discount from the Theatre Café near to Leicester Square.

I was very excited to see Heathers the Musical since it will be finishing performing at the end of November, and so I didn’t want to miss it before it stopped. I have been a Heathers fan for a while and couldn’t believe that they were going to be having a sing-along version. That was very new but sounded incredibly exciting to me. 

My mum and I travelled there by train and tube and we were given song lyrics as we found our seats and even though I knew the words, we still needed one because the audience were only supposed to sing at certain points to help the live orchestra out with tricky music and I was a bit shocked but I still had a wonderful time.

The main role of Veronica Sawyer is usually played by Carrie Hope Fletcher, but unfortunately, she couldn’t make it, so the amazing Olivia Moore played Veronica and, in my opinion, aced it! I couldn’t have asked for a better performance and I loved every minute of it. 

Heathers really is and amazing musical; the entire cast and crew make it an incredible show that everyone can relate to and enjoy. I would truly recommend it to anyone and if you do plan on seeing it, be quick because the last performance is 24thNovember.