Wimbledon proved too strong for Havant running out 35-13 winners in London Division One South on Saturday.

Olly Rupar, Neil Hallett, Myles Stringer (two) and Pete Wallace got the tries, while Hallett enjoyed a perfect day with the boot, kicking five conversions.

When Wimbledon’s pack won a Havant scrum just four minutes in and number eight Rupar scored after a good break by Moore, it looked as though the home team were in for an easy afternoon.

But the visitors came back strongly and – aided by some shoddy Wimbledon tackling, plus lots of silly errors and a string of penalties against them - kept Dons in their own half for the next 20 minutes. During that time Havant’s Joel Knight landed two good penalties.

At last though, Dons stretched their lead through a fine try by Hallett, helped by a clever dummy run by hooker Dave Roberts. Hallett’s second successful conversion was a formality.

Then, with five minutes of the half remaining, fullback Stringer touched down for two excellent tries in the corner, with Driscoll playing a vital part in both. Hallett’s two conversions brought the half-time score to 28-6.

With the game becoming increasingly scrappy, not helped by some lax refereeing at the rucks and mauls, it was 15 minutes before Dons scored again, this time through prop Wallace, who took full advantage of a messy lineout to barge through Havant’s disorganised defence.

Hallet’s conversion from out wide made it five out of five for him.

The Wimbledon players then seemed to lose interest for the rest of the game, along with most of the supporters, and let Havant’s Grant Morris in under the posts for a well taken try, converted by Knight.

It was not pretty, but it was a convincing enough win. Wimbledon however will need to produce a sharper performance this weekend if they hope to complete a win-double over third-placed Basingstoke.