The Downs Lawn Tennis Club in Cheam are once again holding the Guardian Open Mixed Doubles Tournament this Sunday 19th September starting at 10am.

Entry is open to Intermediate and Senior Players, who will enjoy a full days tennis competing against pairs from local clubs and a lunch, included in the entry fee of £21 per pair!

This is a knock-out tournament with the early round winners playing for the Guardian Open Trophy, and the remainder competing for the Tournament Plate. Supporters are very welcome to come along to watch and use the members' licensed bar.

The club always welcomes new tennis and social members. Entry forms are available at the club tel 0208 642 3019, by post from the DLTC tennis secretary 35, Avenue Road SM2 6JE or via our e-mail address Entry forms can be downloaded by contacting the tennis sec e-mail djabosborne@googlemail .com.