Wimbledon CC skipper Neil Turk is expecting a four-horse race in the Surrey Championship Premier Division season.

After a winning draw at Banstead on Saturday, Wimbledon lost top spot to Sunbury, and Turk believes Weybridge and Banstead can also aim for the top.

He said: “The standard of the league is very high, and it takes a lot to beat the teams at the top and you have to work hard for any points.

“Which is how it should be, there is little fun in playing games which are over by lunchtime, and we all like to be tested.”

He added: "There is a gap opening between the top and bottom half of the table, and any of the top four can

After electing to field at Banstead, Wimbledon toiled with the ball and the hosts reached 286-4.

In reply, Wimbledon opener Graham Grace hit 103, and James Brown at number four hit 54, but Banstead’s heavy use of spin helped to restrict Neil Turk’s side to 259-6.

Turk said: “Banstead used a lot of spin to tie us down in the chase, and they fielded very tightly, restricting us to ones and twos.

“They are entitled to that, it is up to us to overcome it. But that said, they bowled better than us, consistently hitting the right spot.”

He add: “In the end, we’re pleased with the four points.”

This weekend, Reigate Priory are the visitors to The Wimbledon Club – the side Turk’s men skittled for just 60 in May.

Before then, they host Spencer in the Surrey Championship T20 tonight.