BBC presenter and footballer Alex Scott has called the FIFA president's comments 'confusing and absolutely bizarre' as the World Cup kicked off. 

The former England footballer spoke to Gary Lineker about Gianni Infantino on the BBC on Sunday. 

Speaking to the broadcaster, Scott explained: “I don’t sit in this chair and I’m not pointing fingers or criticise, it’s me trying to understand.

“You brought the World Cup here, so I’m coming here trying to understand about a culture, about the whole context of what’s going on and what the FIFA president said right there yesterday, to me is confusing and absolutely bizarre.

Your Local Guardian: Alex Scott slams FIFA president's comments (Barrington Coombs/PA)Alex Scott slams FIFA president's comments (Barrington Coombs/PA) (Image: Barrington Coombs/PA)

Alex Scott criticises FIFA president's comments at World Cup

“How you can say, ‘today I am a migrant worker’ no you are not and you never will be."

The footballer went on to say:“Yes you have moved forward and now there is a minimum wage in this country that happened in the last two years- £1 an hour, £240 a month.

“Your salary is whatever it is a year. You will never know what it is to be a migrant worker and for families now to lose their loved ones just trying to earn some money, it’s absolutely bizarre.

“When we sit here, we are in one of the richest countries, FIFA one of the richest organisations for football. The great Nelson Mandela said you can use sport to change the world – when you can, you can push sport forward and make social change happen.”

READ MORE: Watch Joe Lycett shred £10K after David Beckham's World Cup deadline expires

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Referencing Infantino’s comments, Alex Scott noted that LGBTQ+ fans have been unable to travel to the international tournament.

She said: “A whole heap of fans from around the world from the LGBTQ+ community not wanting to travel here.

“Once again we reference Gianni Infantino from what he said, you are not gay, you will never understand travelling to a country where you are fearing for your life just because of your preference of who you choose to love.

“To keep saying football is for everyone, we sit here and it’s not, because people have not been able to travel to watch their teams, to support their teams out of fear.”

The footballer's criticism comes as comedian Joe Lycett appeared to shred £10,000 of his own money after he issued an ultimatum to David Beckham  over his controversial deal with Qatar to promote the world cup.


Mr Lycett had informed the footballer that if had ended his deal with Qatar, the comedian would donate the money to charities that support queer people in football.

On Sunday, at 12 pm, the comic posted a video on his Twitter account with the caption "A platform for progress".

The clip showed Mr Lycett dressed in a rainbow feathered coat as he silently shredded the money. 

Once it was all gone, the comic simply curtsied to the camera and left the shot.