Talk to them! Tell them what you are up to. Show interest in their doings and views.

Listen respectfully to what they say and comment frankly, giving your reasons but without pressing them to agree with you.

Encourage them to read stories; read to them.

Ask what they think of the characters’ behaviour and feelings and of the words used.

Stick unfamiliar words on the fridge and use them in “table talk”.

Children enjoy trying fancy new words.

Encourage children to think patiently about difficulties.

Realising that you don’t understand can help towards progress so there should be no shame in not understanding something.

Help your child to consider problems on their own. Ask them if they understand and if they don’t say: “You don’t under-stand? Well, read me the question. Tell me what it’s about.”

Maths difficulties? Study a good schoolbook and work with your child.

Ask teachers for tips!