There are 49 schools and nurseries in Lambeth within 150 metres of London’s busiest roads, statistics have shown.

The figures, uncovered by the Green Party, show the schools and nurseries lie close to roads carrying 10,000 or more vehicles a day.

The party said studies have shown air pollution causes more than 4,200 premature deaths in London every year and can lead to respiratory illnesses such as allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer.

Jonathan Bartley, the Green’s London Assembly candidate for Lambeth and Southwark launched a petition demanding the Mayor and councils do more to combat air pollution in the capital.

He said: “This is a silent emergency that needs to be acted upon now. Lambeth and Southwark have some of the worst air quality in the whole of Europe, resulting in widespread health problems and premature deaths.

“It is a form of abuse to routinely expose our children, day after day, to conditions which take such a terrible toll on their health. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye any longer. We need urgent action now.”

The petition calls for Boris Johnson “to reduce urgently air pollution on main roads near schools to protect the health of children” and will be presented to City Hall in the new year.

Green Party London Mayoral candidate Jenny Jones said: “We hope that this petition helps tell City Hall how serious the problem or air pollution is—and how urgently action must be taken.

“Simple measures could make such a huge difference in improving air quality and road safety, but there remains a lack of will to take this issue seriously.

“By cleaning up the bus fleet by 2016, taking the most polluting vans and taxis off the roads and reducing traffic across London, those who live in and visit London could enjoy healthier, cleaner, safer lives.”

Souhwwark had 48 schools and nurseries affected.

The petition can be found at