A Kingston University photography student who tried to smuggle 11g of ketamine into a nightclub has been given a conditional discharge.

Emmeline Millwood, 22, of Beaufort Road, Kingston, was caught by door staff outside Bacchus in Union Street on September 17.

She admitted to police it was class C drug ketamine and said she had been using the drug, used by vets as a horse tranquiliser, for five years.

Defending her, Claudette Tomlinson said: “She is a young person of previous good character. This conviction will reflect on her good name.

“Miss Millwood told me she had been using ketamine on a recreational basis for a number of years.

“As a result of being arrested and charged with this offence she spoke to a drugs worker at the police station and drugs worker on the phone and has the address of somewhere she could go.

“She has not purchased any more ketamine since this offence.

“She moved away from the circle of friends that use the drug and is getting herself sorted out financially and focussing upon her studies.

“Since the offence she has been cleaning up her act.”

The court heard she had built up debts paying for the drug and was reliant on her student loan, despite having a part-time job.

Chairman of the bench Margaret Pretty said she was giving Millwood the benefit of the doubt and gave her a conditional discharge and ordered her to pay £50 legal costs.

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