Thousands of bright yellow sunflowers are set to brighten up the Banstead area this summer as schoolchildren take part in a “tallest sunflower competition”.

The competition for children, aged between three and 11, is being organised by Reigate and Banstead Council as part of their “Love Where You Live” initiative.

Over the last week, the council’s people and places manager Terry Boardman has delivered some 12,000 sunflower seeds to primary schools in the north of the borough.

Each pupil will get three seeds to take home, courtesy of seed company Suttons, to help ensure that at least one of their seeds germinates.

Over the summer holidays, the green-fingered youngsters will nurture their plants and come the new school term in September.

Mr Boardman will measure the three tallest sunflowers for each age group – under sevens and under 11s – from each school.

Councillor Julian Ellacott, executive member for the environment, said: “The council does a lot of work with schools to educate children about the importance of the environment.

“The tallest sunflower competition is a fun way for children to learn about and enjoy their natural environment.

“By nurturing a plant from seed and providing it with the right nutrients and conditions to help it grow tall, these youngsters will learn some valuable lessons about taking care of plant life.

“By the end of the summer holidays, the Banstead area will be blooming with colour.”

The child who grows the tallest sunflower in each age group will win a new bike with the runners-up each receiving a £20 Halfords voucher.

The lucky youngsters will be presented with their prizes by the mayor of Reigate and Banstead at a special ceremony at the Town Hall later in the year.

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