Residents who have “suffered for years” in damp and mouldy flats in South Norwood will soon be asked whether they want their tower blocks to be knocked down.

In March 2021, shocking living conditions were exposed in the flats which opened up a national conversation about the state of council housing in the UK. 

Footage showed walls thick with black mould and leaks so bad floors were covered in a layer of water.

Croydon Council has since spent £370,000 on repairs but can’t get a handle on persistent mould issues in the 1960s blocks.

In November 2022 the council started consultations on whether to demolish or refurbish the Regina Road tower blocks. 

A housing scrutiny meeting on Monday (February 27) discussed the latest updates.

It heard, 119 households, 79 per cent of residents, took part in an initial consultation but just 31 people responded to the question about whether to rebuild or refurbish.

Project lead, Robin Smith, said residents at a  “well-attended” meeting in November said they wanted the buildings knocked down.

At Monday’s meeting, he said: “Sometimes there is a feeling that we keep asking ‘what do you feel about Regina Road’ and people feel they have already said that.

"People who come to more public meetings might not represent the views of other people who might be happy sitting in their home.

“When the cabinet report is published you will see an analysis of all the responses we have had.

"It is disappointing that when it comes to the specific questions we didn’t get the response we would have liked.”

A report outlining the detailed responses to the consultation is expected to go to cabinet on March 22.

At this meeting, it will be decided what the exact offer to residents will be for a ballot that will go to residents.

The ballot will have one question with a yes/no answer which needs a 50pc turnout from residents to be valid.

This is expected to be completed by the end of April.

Mr Smith added: “Obviously we would want a yes vote. 

"The offer of these new homes with the specific tenant and leaseholder offers are based on best practice in London and give a good option for those residents who have suffered for years in poor accommodation within the towers at Regina Road.”