The son of Environment Secretary Carline Spelman has been banned from rugby after admitting taking steroids.

Jonathan Spelman, 17, who has represented Harlequins, was suspended for 21 months after an independent disciplinary hearing on March 26 in which he admitted taking anabolic steroids in October, November and December 2011.

The substances in question were testosterone, drostanolone (both anabolic steroids), growth hormone (GHRP6), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), clomid (clomiphene) and nolvadex (tamoxifen).

He was suspended from January 18, the day he was provisionally suspended by the RFU, to October 18, 2013.

Christopher Quinlan QC, chair of the panel, said: "In fixing the appropriate period of suspension the tribunal had regard to all the relevant matters advanced during the course of the hearing, including the player's youth, immaturity and admissions.

"It therefore reduced by three months the otherwise applicable period of ineligibility of two years and imposed a period of ineligibility (suspension) of 21 months."

An appeal has been lodged and will be heard at a date to be confirmed.