A bus driver has been honoured for his bravery during the summer riots.

Dennis Holligan, who drives a bus in Merton, received a commendation at the London Bus Awards last week for his ‘actions above and beyond call of duty’ during the riots last year.

Mr Holligan’s bus was set upon by rioters last summer but despite extreme conditions, he was able to continue calmly and drive passengers out of the area and away from any violence.

Two other bus drivers from across London were also given commendations for their actions during the riots. The award ceremony was held at the London Transport Museum on March 15 to honour London bus drivers and staff for their commitment and professionalism.

Leon Daniels, TFL’s managing director of surface transport said: “Our bus network is one of the largest and most complex in the world and one on which the very foundations of this city depends. Thousands of people across the capital work incredibly hard to provide customers with the best possible service. These awards are a celebration of all that is great about London’s bus network - in particular its people. We celebrate and thank all those drivers and staff who go above and beyond the call of duty to help our customers, those who show innovation and creativity in their work and those who display outstanding bravery, dedication and commitment.”