A £128,000 new unit has opened at Leatherhead Hospital thanks to a generous donation by the Friends of Leatherhead Hospital.

The newly refurbished colposcopy unit opened last Thursday (March 9) will help to diagnose problems with women’s reproductive health.

New equipment includes a state-of-the-art £15,000 ultrasound scanner, £34,000 pounds worth of minuscule cameras used to examine the womb and cervix and a diathermy machine which uses heat to remove abnormal cells from the womb.

The equipment will help diagnose ovarian, womb and other cancers as early as possible to begin treatment faster than ever before. Waiting rooms, recovery rooms and the unit’s clinical area has also been revamped.

The High Sheriff of Surrey, Professor Michael Joy, who was a cardiologist at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust before retiring, was on hand to officially cut the ribbon.

He said: "It gives me great satisfaction to declare the unit officially open. As a former cardiologist, the importance of local hospitals and services such as this one is something that I know only too well. Staff at he unit are brimming with enthusiasm and pride, and it’s quite clear to see why. This unit is a jewel in the crown, and I hope the good work can continue for many years to come."

Audrey Mellers, chairman of the League of Friends at Leatherhead Hospital, added: "It was a pleasure to look around the unit and hear just how important the service is to the people of Leatherhead and beyond. Seeing that the money we raised is having a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of others makes all of the hard work entirely worthwhile."