A father-to-be faces being in prison while his first child is born after he was found guilty of sexually molesting women in Wimbledon.

Pawel Jasiak, of Glencairn Road, Streatham, looked on as his pregnant fiancée sobbed during a two-hour trial at Wimbledon Magistrates Court yesterday, where he was convicted for three separate sexual assaults on the two women.

Two of the attacks were almost identical and were carried out against the same woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons.

In both, he grabbed her backside while she was walking along Wimbledon Hill Road on her way to Wimbledon Station about 7am.

She broke down in court as she described how the two attacks against her, on October 12 and November 8, 2011, made her too scared to walk alone from the Village to the town centre.

She said: “After [the second attack] I was frightened to leave the house. I changed my routine after advice from police to go to work at a different time.”

The victim then said Jasiak taunted her during a third chance encounter in December by making vulgar groaning noises.

She said: “I was really scared so I moved down to the edge of the curb.

“He was walking towards me and he made a sexual groaning noise which was very suggestive as he came past.

“I was very frightened because there was no one else around. I ran as fast as I could to get away and rang my husband from my mobile.”

Jasiak was also convicted for grabbing another woman between her legs while she was exiting the 93 bus in Hartfield Road, again during the morning commute to work, on December 7.

The Polish immigrant, who addressed magistrates with the help of an interpreter, vehemently denied the early-morning attacks but offered no defence other than claiming they were accidents.

The 26-year-old told the court: “I am surprised at this whole situation and these charges. I am going to apologise to these ladies for the situation even though I didn’t do anything.”

He was told by magistrates he is “likely” to face a custodial sentence when he reappears in court on April 13.

Jasiak was released on bail on condition he stays away from Wimbledon town centre, Wimbledon Hill Road and Wimbledon bridge, unless passing through on a bus.