A cycle-powered cinema and World War One fighter plane sculpture are part of a new arts festival, which aims to bring the town to life.

A programme of dance, theatre, music, puppetry, film, sculpture, circus art and lighting installations have been turning heads in Kingston since the festival, called Animate, launched four weeks ago.

Eagle Brewery Wharf featured a series of showcase events including popcorn-powered cyclists who put on Our Friends Records Cycle Cinema on Saturday, March 10.

The riverside location also boasts a sculpture of a British aircraft made by Kingston founded Sopwith Aviation Company, the Sopwith Dolphin, which was created by Kingston university students.

Organisers of the festival, Creative Youth, are working with eight young arts companies, and over 50 artists to bring the festival to the streets of Kingston.

Animate events continue every Monday and Thursday from 5.30pm to 7pm. Special events will also take place on Saturday, March 24.

For more information visit animatekingston.org, creativeyouthcharity.org and iyafestival. org.uk.