The Rose Theatre’s chief executive and artistic director are taking part in a fundraiser for Kingston’s Liberal Democrat Party.

The evening with Robert O’Dowd and Stephen Unwin at L’Esperance restaurant, Surbiton, on March 19, costs £18 a head with all proceeds going to the Lib Dems.

Supporters will be given updates on the future plans of the theatre and the opportunity to ask questions.

The Liberal Democrats, under the leadership of Derek Osbourne, have backed the theatre to the tune of £3.3m in recent years after it committed to a further three-year £500,000-a-year deal in 2011.

Former councillor Nick Kilby, who has called for a new direction for the theatre, said: "It is no scandal him promoting the theatre. It is a bit cheeky but the Tories have never asked."

The Liberal Democrat Party made a £18,268 deficit last year as fundraising dropped to £9,586, according to latest published accounts for the year ending December 2010.

The Kingston and Surbiton Conservative Association made a £640 loss, according to its accounts.