People have woken up to demolished front walls after a spate of late night vandalism.

A lady reported that her wall was knocked down on March 6 between 12.30-6am.

At least two other walls have been demolished in a similar fashion.

A 97-year-old lady who has lived in the road for 30 years said: "I’m wondering what will come next – we are wondering if we are insured.

"I’ve had no trouble before."

She also mentioned seeing people "zoom" up and down the road on their mopeds.

Sam Bradford, 19, said: "I got up one morning to go to work with my Dad and the whole wall was knocked down."

Resident, Sri Kantheepan, 36, also had the wall in front of his house knocked down and said: "It was during the night- I had seen children down there during the day before."

He also said someone threw a stone at his wife’s car a few weeks ago and he told it to the police.

Other residents have reported youths climbing over the roofs and bonnets of cars also causing damage.

Police are appealing for information about a number of garden walls that have been damaged along Trafalgar Avenue, Worcester Park.

Officers from Worcester Park Safer Neighbourhoods Team have leafleted residents in the street asking them to come forward if they can assist with police enquiries.

Anyone with information can contact Worcester Park SNT on 020 8649 3590 or Sutton Police station on 101.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.