Could your little one be the Wimbledon Guardian Child of the Year?

We are on the lookout for the favourite tot of 2012 and it could be your lucky year.

Simply take your little one along to the photography stand at the Centrecourt shopping centre in Wimbledon, where your child's photo will be taken free of charge and you will be told when to return to select the photo you would like to use for the competition.

All of the entries will be displayed in the Child of the Year on-line gallery where you will also find details of how you can vote.

There are four categories, 0-9 months, 10-18 months, 19-36 months and 3-5 years. The child who receives the most votes in each category will win a 14 x 11inch framed portrait of the winning picture and a trophy engraved with their name.

The overall winner from all of the categories will also win a 20 x 16 inch portrait.

Sittings will be between 10am and 4pm each day between Wednesday, March 7 and Saturday March 10.