The Sutton Guardian is now available to you any time, at home or on the move as we launch our new iPhone app.

Simply download the app for free from iTunes to your iPhone, iPod or iPad and see the latest news, sport and features from the borough.

Each week the latest edition will be available to view using touch screen technology to turn each page, a search facility to find keywords in the edition and a zoom function for easy reading.

You can also download and save the entire paper or individual pages to view offline wherever you are.

The entire electronic archive of our newspapers dating back to 2007 is also available on the app to catch up on past news or research local history.

You can also easily click through to our advertiser's websites through the app by clicking on their advertisements on the page to find out more information or place an order.

You can even send copies of stories you are interested in to your friends by email or share them with others using social media like Twitter and Facebook.

Sutton Guardian web editor, Paul Jones, said: "This is just the latest example of the Sutton Guardian's commitment to getting the news to everyone who wants it.

"We are one of the first local newspapers to develop its own app and we are excited that you can now read our paper edition using the latest technology.

"The Sutton Guardian is the borough's favourite newspaper and we hope it will soon it will be the favourite app as well."

Your Local Guardian: Scan this QR code using your iPhone or iPad to download the app - or visit the iTunes app store To get our app now just scan the QR code on this page or head to iTunes App Store and search for Sutton Guardian.

It's fast, it's fun and best of all it's absolutely free.